Our groundbreaking content is available free for subscribers on Netflix & paid through our main Scriptic app, where we monetise episode/season bundles. The explosive growth on Netflix has driven organic to Scriptic, where we spotlight exclusive content not available on Netflix. Here is the phenomenal engagement and growth metrics we are currently seeing across both platforms:

Over half a million Netflix installs in last few weeks + outstanding organic uplift on main Scriptic app

Episode/season completion is higher than a hit Netflix show – 55% of tutorial finishers complete whole 6 hour season

This is the outstanding season completion metric that gave Netflix execs conviction to invest in our content.

$1M value Netflix deal

ROAS positive on early UA spend

70% of players replay our bitesize content to discover alternate endings

Scriptic global launch featured our first ever bitesize series, Dispatcher. ‘TikTok’ version of our long form content.

Scriptic Top 2 Games in our category on UK app store (Dec 2022)

Scriptic Top 2 Games in our category on UK app store (Dec 2022)

Our new bitesize series where you play a 911 dispatcher

Our new bitesize series where you play a 911 dispatcher