The KPIs around Season 1 of Dead Man’s Phone have been phenomenal and are what allowed ElectricNoir to raise venture capital from world leading investors.

📈 US-led organic – half a million installs with zero user acquistion costs

Our organic traction has been outstanding. We launched Dead Man's Phone on iOS and Android in 2021.

🤳🏼 High engagement: 75% episode completion rate, 95% episode continuation rate

There are six episodes in season 1 of Dead Man’s Phone – each approx 1hr long. We have seen above benchmark engagement through this content.

👏🏼 Industry recognition: BAFTA-nomination and WIRED acclaim

ElectricNoir has received great detail of industry acclaim. Here are some of the highlights:

"Dead Man's Phone is reinventing gaming for the crime podcast age" WIRED